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Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Panerai and Ralph Lauren--The Language of Design

Ralph Lauren
Vintage Panerai Collection

American Designer, Ralph Lauren has been a huge vintage Panerai collector for many years, and has amassed quite a collection of rare vintage Panerai watches. Ralph Lauren is pictured below in front of his vintage 1950 Series 1 Land Rover, sporting a 1954 47MM Vintage Panerai [Reference 6152] from his personal watch collection.

"The luxury of Panerai grew out of its heritage and the purposefulness of each detail. Panerai watches were not about the latest fashion–they were designed to work in specific conditions. Their form and beauty were secondary to their function; they're rugged, utilitarian and handsome." –Ralph Lauren

The second photo below appears courtesy of Esquire Magazine, and shows one of Ralph Lauren's vintage Panerai watches with a Marina Militare designation on the dial. This beautiful watch is a Reference 6152:1, which was made by Rolex and features a Rolex Brevet winding crown. This photo was taken in the Polo New York Flagship store which was formerly the Rhinelander Mansion.

The photo above also pictures a Leica M9 camera, which, despite looking like it is a vintage camera, is actually a state-of-the-art digital model which features the smallest full-frame digital sensor. Ralph Lauren has a huge passion for collecting rare items that are timeless and have endured as icons of superb design.

Information Courtesy of http://paneraiworld.blogspot.com


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